
* Denotes equal contributions


McClure, C.M., Hancey, K., Hammill, E. (In Press). The effects of inducible defenses on population stability in Paramecium aurelia. Oecologia.


Adkins, J., Hammill, E., Abdulwahab, U.A., Draper, J.P., Wolf, J.M., McClure, C.M., Ortiz, A. A. G., Chavez, E.A., Atwood, T.B. (2023) Global patterns in mammal trophic diversity are explained by environmental drivers. Ecology Letters.


McClure, C.M., Smalling, K.L., Blazer, V.S., Schall, M.K., Sperry, A.J., Kolpin, D.W., Phillips, P.J., and Wagner, T. (2020). Spatiotemporal variation in occurrence and co-occurrence of pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and other organic compounds in rivers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, United States. Science of the Total Environment.

Publications Under Review

McClure, C.M., Smalling, K.L., Blazer, V.S., Schall, M.K., Walsh, H.L., Gordon, S., Alvarez, D.A., Devereux, O.H., Echols, K.R., and Wagner, T. (Under Review) Landscape drivers and potential maternal transfer of organic contaminants in riverine smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) populations in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

McClure, C.M.*, Canham, H.*, Catalan, E.*, Marshall, A., Chukwuonye, G. N., Webb, M., Leonidas, C., and Brown, J. (Under Review). Graduate student reflections on the process of learning and implementing equitable community science to tackle compounding climate challenges. Community Science.

McClure, C.M., Atwood, T.B., Hammill, E. (Under Review). Trade-offs between available resources and predation risk determine the composition of bromeliad macroinvertebrate communities. Oikos.

Publications in Preparation

McClure, C.M., Friedman, J.M., Skaggs, E.R., Holmquist-Johnson, C.L., Enns, K.D., Perkins, D.W., Gommerman, L., and Morrison, R.R. (In Prep) Effects of changing flow regime on riparian plant communities and channel simplification along the middle Green River, Utah. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.